
St Saviour's Church of England Primary School

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St Saviour's Church of England Primary School

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Christian Distinctiveness

"The distinctiveness and effectiveness of St Saviour’s as a Church of England school are good. The headteacher’s clear, purposeful and faithful Christian vision is shared by governors, recognised by stakeholders and unites staff behind it. This decisive Christian leadership has helped to overcome recent difficulties and is taking the school on an exciting journey of continual improvement, both academically and spiritually.  As a result, the school has an outstandingly distinctive Christian character that is evident to all, impacts on the lives of its pupils and leads them to remarkable works of compassion and outreach. The school’s Christian character is underpinned by a strong tradition of joyful collective worship where pupils understand the nature and purpose of prayer and are growing in spiritual confidence.  Religious education (RE) is well-organised and provides pupils with an essential foundation of Christian knowledge and appreciation of other world faiths.  The strong partnership with the parish helps both church and school to shine as the light of Christ in the community they serve."

SIAMS - 2016

Parent Tours for Reception intake September 2025 are every Monday morning from June 2024. Please book a slot by emailing :