
St Saviour's Church of England Primary School

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St Saviour's Church of England Primary School

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Autumn 1



Key Learning Question: 

What is electricity? How can we use electricity?

Scientific Enquiry Focus: setting up practical enquiries, comparative and fair tests



Key skills children will learn:


Spend time exploring a range of games that use electricity, and materials needed to make a simple electrical circuit



Understand that electrical items in our homes are powered from mains electricity or batteries and identify some of these appliances and devices


Understand the dangers of electricity


Identify electrical materials and components required for a buzzer to sound or a bulb to light


Predict which materials will be good at conducting electricity using their knowledge of the world around them


Draw a scientific diagram of a circuit

Parent Tours for Reception intake September 2025 are every Monday morning from June 2024. Please book a slot by emailing :