Our class teachers are Miss Jones on a Monday and a Tuesday, Mrs Golding on a Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and Miss Flora and our School Sports Coach on a Friday. Miss Moore supports Year 2 everyday.
We aim to create a supportive, caring and inclusive environment where creativity can flourish, collaboration is encouraged and the children feel safe to take risks with their learning.
Our school rules are: ready, respectful and safe
Year 2 Key Information:
Gates open at 8:45am
Our school day begins promptly at 9am and finishes at 3:30pm.
PE Kits should be worn on Monday and Friday.
Book changing day is Monday.
Homework will come home on a Friday and is due in by the following Wednesday.
Reading records should be signed by an adult at home at least once a week.
Home Learning
At St Saviour's we send Home Learning each Friday which is due in the following Wednesday. This is to be completed in their Home Learning book.
There are also 3 website which every child has a login to so they can expand their learning in a fun and interactive way - Mathletics, Times Table Rock Stars (TTRS) and Oxford Owl E-books. Please follow the links below and enter your child's login details to access.