
St Saviour's Church of England Primary School

Home Page

St Saviour's Church of England Primary School

Home Page


heart Welcome to the web page for Reception class heart


Here you will find useful links and information about Reception. 

We are delighted to be getting to know you and your children as they start their learning journey at

St Saviour's C of E School!

In Reception, we support the school's values of always being 

ready, respectful and safe

in order to create a welcoming and encouraging learning environment for every child. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to come and speak to one of the Reception Team or email the school office at 


Gates open at 8:45am and school finishes at 3:30pm

Meet the Reception class staff!


 Mrs Hinsley - Class teacher: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday


 Mrs Brown - Class teacher: Wednesday pm, Thursday, Friday


Miss Olu - Support Staff: Monday - Friday


 Ms Caroline - Support Staff: Wednesday pm, Thursday, Friday am

Our Classroom

Important information!


PE lessons will start after the October half term, on Monday 4th November. Children can come to school in their PE kits and wear them all day. PE kits consist of: 

  • Pale blue PE t-shirts with or without school logo on
  • Navy joggers, leggings or shorts
  • Trainers or plimsolls (no laces please!)



We use the Seesaw app to regularly share updates about things we are learning, exploring and doing in class! Please download the app if you have not already and log in to your child's account. The pictures and notes will give you an idea of the things we are doing at school and provide talking points to discuss with your child at home. 




What have we learned about so far?

We will update this section with photos of our learning throughout the year

The EYFS Curriculum


Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED), Communication and Language (C&L), and Physical Development (PD) are the prime areas of learning and development in EYFS. These areas are important as they form the foundations upon which all further learning is built.


Literacy (L), Mathematics (M), Understanding the World (UW), and Expressive Arts and Design (EAD) are the specific areas of learning and development in EYFS. It is through these areas that the prime areas are further applied and strengthened.


Each of these areas is as important as the other and all are interwoven. At the end of the Reception year, children are assessed against the early learning goals (ELGs). The purpose of these assessments is to ascertain whether children have achieved the expected level of progress within each area of learning and development.

Assessment in the Early Years


Assessments take place on a daily basis in the EYFS through the form of observations, rather than formal testing. At St Saviour's, we use the National Baseline Assessment within the first two weeks of your child starting Reception. This is a national government assessment which provides a baseline assessment for each child's learning journey. Your child will then be assessed using the Early Learning Goals at the end of Reception before they move on to KS1.


We observe children as they play and learn to understand the child’s current attainment and interests and then we plan for their next steps accordingly. These observations form the majority of EYFS assessments and are shared with parents and carers through the end of year report.


Parents and carers, you are also invited to contribute your own observations of your child’s learning at home so that a more complete picture of your child’s development can be achieved. We would be delighted to hear about things that your child learns and achieves outside of school, whether that's learning to ride a bike, learning to swim, joining a gymnastics or football class, mastering the climbing frame in the park, counting to 10, reading books or making cards or other creations at home! 

For a 2025 Reception tour, please book a convenient time for yourself by emailing : We are also accepting in-year transfers in some year groups. We welcome children of all faiths and no faith.