
St Saviour's Church of England Primary School

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St Saviour's Church of England Primary School

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What are we reading this term?


Stargazing, by Anna Claybourne


A beautifully illustrated non-fiction book about the skies - in the day and the night.



We will be using our Reading VIPERS to help us to answer questions.


These are the reading expectations for your children by the end of Year 4. It outlines the key skills they should know by the end of the year.



Reading is the most important thing you can do to improve your education. You need to remember to read at least 3 times a week and write your reading down in your Reading Record. Your parents also need to sign to say they agree with the amount of times you are reading.


Parents, it is also helpful if you listen to your child read at least once or twice in a week just to check they are reading properly. Below there is a list of reading prompts questions to support you and your child reading at home.

Reading prompts

For a 2025 Reception tour, please book a convenient time for yourself by emailing : We are also accepting in-year transfers in some year groups. We welcome children of all faiths and no faith.