
St Saviour's Church of England Primary School

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St Saviour's Church of England Primary School

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Head of School's Welcome

I am extremely proud to be Head of School of St. Saviour's. We are a small, caring and friendly Church of England primary school in the Diocese of Southwark and the London Borough of Lambeth. Situated next to Ruskin Park, we have a real 'village' feel whilst also having access to the best that is on offer in Lambeth locally and London more widely.


Our staff are a team of dedicated professionals who are committed to our children’s wellbeing and their personal, social and emotional and academic development. Supported by governors, staff work hard to provide a rich, stimulating and inclusive curriculum, which engages and prepares our children for future education and later life. Our curriculum is broad and exciting. We teach the full range of subjects as outlined in the National Curriculum and we exceed this, particularly with our outstanding instrumental tuition. We regularly have children reach very high standards of playing and we offer up to 150 lessons a week.


As a one form entry school, we really get to know each and every child and their individual needs. This enables us to carefully shape our work to ensure that everyone can flourish and be the best they can be. The partnership between home and school is a vital part of your child’s success and at St. Saviour’s, we uphold that. We encourage parents to take an active role in their child’s learning and greatly value their contribution to school life.


Our distinctive Christian ethos encourages children and staff alike, to flourish. We believe in living, learning and loving, in God's will, in God's way. Our values are the 'Fruits of the Spirit' from Galatians 5:22-23: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control. These values guide us in all that we do and are the shared bonds of community at our school. You can really feel these values being lived out here and they are inclusive of everyone, from all backgrounds. 


We would love to get to know you better and answer any questions you have. If you would like to discuss a place for your child, please email: or call 020 7274 7986. You will be made to feel very welcome.


Best Wishes


Ms Couch

Head of School

For a 2025 Reception tour, please book a convenient time for yourself by emailing : We are also accepting in-year transfers in some year groups. We welcome children of all faiths and no faith.