
St Saviour's Church of England Primary School

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St Saviour's Church of England Primary School

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What are we learning this term?


Topic Question: What is the Story?


Key questions to shape learning: 

  • What is the Bible? Where do the stories we know fit?
  • Is the Bible one story or many stories?
  • Why is the Bible so special for Christians? Why is the Big Story so important?
  • What does the Bible teach about faith?
  • Are words more important than actions?
  • What difference do words from the Bible make to how Christians live?
  • How can we express our own ideas about the Bible's 'Big Story'?


Overarching Target:

As the first unit of RE in KS2, this is a pivotal unit as it creates the big scheme across all the whole of the Bible and the theological concepts into which many other units will be linked. This unit helps pupils to understand how the Bible is both a collection of many different stories and types of writing, and one ‘big story’. Most Christians believe this ‘story’ spand all time at the centre of which is the birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus. Pupils will revisit what Jesus called the Greatest Commandment in the LKS2 thematic unit ‘What is the Golden Rule and why do so many people live by it?’

For a 2025 Reception tour, please book a convenient time for yourself by emailing : We are also accepting in-year transfers in some year groups. We welcome children of all faiths and no faith.