
St Saviour's Church of England Primary School

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St Saviour's Church of England Primary School

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History/ Geography


At St Saviour’s we provide our children with a History and Geography curriculum which enables them to become confident, creative and independent learners who can apply knowledge and skills, taught in Humanities, across the wider curriculum. 


Our curriculum is diverse, reflecting ethnic minorities, LGBTQ and SEND groups, and is inclusive to all of our pupils’ needs. Through our teaching of History, children will become inquisitive and accountable citizens, who understand their role in protecting our world and environment through positive changes as they grow.


Summer term 2 topic and objectives:


Why do people protest?


Chronological Understanding

  • Can successfully match simple iconic images to each of the periods studied;


Change and continuity

  • Realises not all change is welcomed by everyone
  • Sees that some changes lead to others


Differences between ways of life at different times (characteristic features)

  • Children are able to describe and explain ways of life at different levels of society and understand that people would have different outlooks on life depending on their social standing.
  • They instinctively avoid sweeping generalization saying instead, it all depends on who you were, what position you had in society.


Cause and consequence

  • By the end of the key stage some children are able to explain some quite complex events using a good range of causes, some of them linked in a simple way


How the past is presented

  • Children grasp that interpretations might differ depending on the aspect that people are looking at; Views of the Victorians might be more positive if looking at benefits of industrialization and empire, and more negative if looking at child labour or slavery.


Progression of Historical enquiry

  • Offers substantiated reasons why some sources might be treated cautiously e.g. propaganda posters


Progression in organisation and communication

  • Able pupils use provisional and tentative language, to express uncertainty e.g. perhaps, may, might, some people think.


Parent Tours for Reception intake September 2025 are every Monday morning from June 2024. Please book a slot by emailing :